Saturday, December 11, 2010

Java User Group - Chennai Monthly Meet-up 11th December 10am at OrangeScape

OrangeScape Technologies Limited Map
TIDEL Park, ‘D’ Block, North Wing, 3rd Floor,
4, Rajiv Gandhi Salai, Tharamani,
Chennai 600 113. India.

Agenda - Planned topics
Eclipse - IDE / UOMo, JSR-308, Java SE 7, SE8 and the future of Java.
by Werner Keil


9:45AM – I reached OrangeScape, Met Mani,CTO,OrangeScape and got a place for the meetup, Prepared for websites to present. I take the pleasure in thanking OrangeScape team for the great support and having made the show a great success.

10:00AM - Not many in number turned on time but slowly the crowd gathered. The meeting started at 10:15AM and I just brushed up on the last month JUG topic like WeaverFX, later spoke about introduction on JCP and JSR,JUG etc

10:45AM to 12:40PM – Werner Kill joined the meeting. Discusson on Eclipse, some Eclipse plugins, JSR 275, Unit of Measurement, Jscience, Eclipse UOMo

12:40PM to 1:15PM – Intro on JUG, idea behind creating JUG Chennai, Intro on JCP and JSR, Opensource contribution, DSL, examples of DSL, Groovy DSL, JavaOne conference

Thursday, November 11, 2010

Java User Group - Chennai Monthly Meet-up 13th November 10am at ThoughtWorks

Our monthly meeting for November 2010:

ThoughtWorks Technologies (India) Pvt Ltd. view map
RR Tower 5,Level 2, Rishabh Info Park
33 A Developed Plots,Thiru Vi Ka Industrial Estate
Ekkatuthangal, Guindy
Chennai - 600 032, India

WeaverFX - A new RIA
By Veerendra Nagabhirava
WeaverFx the lighter faster Rich Internet Application and Swing Application Development Framework
If you know XML and basic Java your can weave WeaverFX
1. Rich Internet Applications
2. The Broadband and RIA
3. The Language and RIA
4. WeaverFx
5. Features of WeaverFx
6. WeaverFx on Net
7. Developing with WeaverFx
8. Example 1
9. Example 2
10. Questions

Announce this to all your friends, social network sites etc.
All are welcome. Entry Free

Shoe Note:

Sunday, October 24, 2010

A case study on Android Application Development #tempconverter

WELCOME Earthlings, to the World of Androids.

Introduction :-
The software “tempconverter” deals with application development in androids. The goal of the app is simple-converting temperature from celsius to fahrenheit and vice versa. The project is opensource & is available at github.

Pre-requisites :-
* basic knowledge of eclipse IDE.
* java
* xml
* working of androids and emulators
* UI development

Specification and requirement analysis :-
For developers:-
OS : Ubuntu 10.04 /linux
Minimum hardware requirements : 256 mb RAM/ 4 GB HDD
IDE : Eclipse
SDK: android SDK
Emulator : any android emulator
System architecture : 32/64 bit

For users :-
OS : Android /linux
Hardware : any android phone / emulator (for linux)
Size on disk : 136.4 KB (for tempconverter)

Design :-
The User interface can be designed in 2 ways :-
1 . the user interface designer for androids present in the eclipse IDE.
2. by creating/editing the xml in main.xml file.
The design of the application is very simple . It includes a text area for display , a text field for input, 2 radio buttons for selecting celsius or fahrenheit and an OK button for calculate.
The UI design can be viewed at res/layout.main.xml

Eclipse + Android SDK

Development / Coding :-
The development or coding can be done in src/android/
Again the coding of the app involves the addition of functionality of the buttons.
This can be done by modifying the file. The addition of features can be done using the “on-click” property of the buttons . (myClickHandler in case of android sdk) . The input is in taken is from the text box and output is displayed in the same textbox. The elements of the software such as string,app_name,colors and buttonHandler must be predefined in the “android resources” tab.
Testing and documentation :-
In case of running the app in andoids , it can directly be done by double-clicking the icon. In case of using emulators , right click->run-as->android application.

Tempconverter on Android Emulator

Implementation & Deployment :-
Being an opensource software , Tempconverter is perhaps the easiest to be deployed. It is legally free to copy and redistribute under GPL license . Also , the project is available at github.
my github link for android tempconv:

Maintainence :-
The software can be updated with new versions from github. Also , anyone is free to modify the source code , thus enhancing the app. Also , the bug fixes , if any, can be included directly in github.

Conclusion :-
Thus , the case study on software (project/development) is done . The temperature converter android application can be best viewed in android phones.

- article by Sarang Basutkar

Friday, October 8, 2010

Contest- CodeFunda - Challenge

Hi all,
    I`m happy to announce that Rajmahendra and myself(Ranjith Kumar) planned to host a contest called CodeFunda-Challenges, purely working on real-time projects where user can gain more knowledge and also win some exciting prizes. Normally in workshops and seminars people gains only theoretically knowledge only few peoples tries after attending those kind of events. What my idea is if we do such activities like this peoples can learn more about it and get into it, the
reason for hosting such competition is we get better solution and benefits.
Problem/Idea owner holds the final judgement.

Benefits of this CodeFunda-Challenges
   - It might also help some peoples who have their unsolved problem or
   ideas can be solved.
   - The solution finder will not only gets rewards and he/she gets
   rich experiences.
   - Many opensource projects can be done.
   - Get into real time actions. 

   - Cashes
   - Books
   - Gift voucher
   - Movie ticket 

We can get prizes by getting sponsors, donations. 

Coming up soon.... 

Software Engineer, 

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Java User Group - Chennai

Welcome to Java User Group - Chennai

JUGC: A Java Community (Java User Group) located in Chennai the capital city of Tamilnadu, India. The group focuses and promotes Java and related technology in and around Chennai. It’s a group of professionals, businessmen, students who use Java in day to day life as a profession, hobby or as a job like to learn and spread the technology.

Who can join?
Students, professionals, College guys, architect, leads, business man, and placement people any one can join our community. Any one in and round Chennai can join, this makes people easy to participate in our regular meetings and other live activities. If you are not living in Chennai but you visit some day when we have a meeting you are happy to participate.

Getting Started
once you join, you can..

  1. Participate in meet-ups – Conducted every month.
  2. Join the Google Group and start discussions, share ideas, solve doubts etc.
  3. Post your articles in group blog.
  4. Share your sample codes with others.
  5. Start open source projects and get support from members.
  6. Support in Workshop.

Meeting Location
Meeting would be held once in a month (Date would be announced in the group forum)

JUG C Project Site:
Community Blog: (Under Construction)
Group Discussion:
Twitter :

function foo()
